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Making better business decisions

We can ensure that you are always in a position to make effective use of the information locked away inside your business processes.

Our comprehensive business intelligence and reporting module gives you control of all your financial information.

You’ll have a powerful range of tools at your fingertips - such as the Integra dashboards – which will ensure you always have timely, comprehensive and accurate information about what your business is doing and where it’s going.

Market leading functionality:

  • A range of standard reports to cover standard situations – complemented with a flexible and easy-to-use report generator, so you can create bespoke financial, management and statutory reports, statistical analyses and queries
  • Single point of entry for quick and easy access and retrieval – queries, reports, performance indicators and alerts are all available with just a few clicks
  • Dashboard functionality to aid review of complex data in an intuitive format; drill-down functionality within the dashboards allows detailed analysis if needed
  • Workflow to automate business processes by distributing data, documents and information electronically according to predefined rules
  • Comprehensive alerts – so you can monitor business critical information and streamline processes
  • Flexible target definition – allowing you to specify and display performance against a certain time period
  • Scheduling and automatic distribution of management reports.
Linda Miller Financial Information Systems Manager, Mansfield District Council content/logo
Overall we are delighted with the amazing support we have enjoyed from Integrated Business Solutions . The implementation was excellent and the product itself should generate significant cost savings by streamlining processes and driving efficiency throughout the Council.

Linda Miller Financial Information Systems Manager, Mansfield District Council